

  1. WACV Workshop
    Cross-modal Contrastive Learning with Asymmetric Co-attention Network for Video Moment Retrieval
    Love Panta*Prashant Shrestha*, Brabeem Sapkota, and 3 more authors
    In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, 2024
  2. IPCAI
    Investigation of Federated Learning Algorithms for Retinal Optical Coherence Tomography Image Classification with Statistical Heterogeneity
    Sanskar Amgain*Prashant Shrestha*, Sophia Bano, and 5 more authors
    In IPCAI, Long Abstract, 2024
    CAR-MFL: Cross-Modal Augmentation by Retrieval for Multimodal Federated Learning with Missing Modalities
    Pranav Poudel, Prashant Shrestha*, Sanskar Amgain*, and 3 more authors
    In MICCAI, 2024
  4. EMBC
    Investigating the Robustness of Vision Transformers against Label Noise in Medical Image Classification
    Bidur Khanal, Prashant Shrestha*, Sanskar Amgain*, and 3 more authors
    In EMBC, 2024


  1. preprint
    Medical Vision Language Pretraining: A survey
    Prashant Shrestha*, Sanskar Amgain*, Bidur Khanal, and 2 more authors
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.06224, 2023